Introduction of Adhaki
Adhaki (आढकी) is a Sanskrit word referring to Cajanus cajan (“pigeon pea”). It is a type of legume (śamīdhānya), according to Caraka in his Carakasaṃhitā sūtrasthāna (chapter 27), a classical Ayurvedic work. The plant Āḍhakī is part of the Śamīdhānyavarga group of medicinal plants, referring to the “group of legumes”. Caraka defined such groups (vargas) based on the dietic value of the plant. Āḍhakī aggravates vāta and alleviates kapha and pitta.
Botanical Name and Family of Adhaki
Cajanus cajan (Linn.) Mills
Family of Adhaki :- Fabaceae (Papilionaceae)
Classical name :- Adhaki
Sanskrit Names of Adhaki
Adhaki, Tuvarī, Sanapuspikā, Varyā, Karavīrabhujä, Pitapușpā, Vrttabījā, Kālavịntā, Kulatthā, Vakrakā, Tämravaraņā.
Regional names of Adhaki
Arahar, Tuar (Hindi.)
Description Of Adhaki
Plant is an erect, annual-perennial grey or white-hairy, herbs or undershrub.
Leaflets lanceolate oblong, acute or sub acuminate, mucronate, glabrescent or short-hairy on the upper surface, densely long-hairy and glandular-punctate on the lower surface, 2-10 (-15) Xo. 5-3 (-4) cm,; terminal one a o.5-2 cm. long petiolate; lateral ones on 0.2-0.3 cm. long petiolules; stipples 0.1-0.2 cm. long, sub persistent. Petiole 0.5-5(-8) cm. long.
Stipules sub persistent, 0.4-0.5 cm. long. flowers yellow, yellow often tinged with reddish brown in densely hairy, peduncled, corymbose racemes, forming a terminal panicle.; racts 0.4-0.5 cm. long; pedicels o.5-1.2 (-1.5 cm.) cm. long; calyx 1.3-1.5 cm. long; glandular-pubescent without, divided less than halfway down; standard pale-yellow with reddish-purple streaks, retuse; wings yellow; style glabrous above, hairy in the lower part, 1.5 cm. long. Pod sessile, glandular-pubescent, often with reddish-brown streaks, 3 to 5 (-7) seeded 4-5 cm. long.
Seeds greyish brown, red or palė-yellow, usually carunculate, often with a minute or small caruncle.
Flowering and fruiting time
August to December rains to autumn; Farming/harvesting seasons.
Distribution of Adhaki
Everywhere, in the tropics; tropical Asia and Africa. Extensively cultivated as a common pulse crop throughout India, ascending up to 8,000 ft.1980 m. in the Himalayas. Kinds and Varieties
These classical varieties- Svetā, Raktā and Sitā. Various kinds and grades types of pulse seeds in current agropractices in country (agronomy).
Rasa : Kasāya, Madhura
Guņa : Rūksa, Laghu, Sīta
Vīrya : Šīta
Vipāka: Madhura
Doșakarma : Pittakaphahara, Vătakara (īsadvātakara) ,Tridoșaśamana (patram)
Properties and action Karma Adhaki:
Grāhī, Rucya, Pathya, Dāhahara, Balya, Varnya, Vīşaghna, Dipana. Krmighna Roga : Raktadosa, Dāha-santāpa-ursā. Varņavikāra-tvacăroga, Pitta-Kaphavikāra, Ansughāta, Krmiroga, Agnimāndya, Daurbalya.
Therapeutic uses of Adhaki
- The soup of seeds pulse is medicinally effective and considered useful in various ailments and it is given to patients as wholesome medicated regimen as soup (ādhaki yūṣa) is to alleviate biliousness and nourishing dietary item being tonic and stomachic properties attributed to seeds soup preparation.
- The soup is highly effective in cases of sunstroke and excessive heat curing extreme hot in summer seaons since it is recommended as electrolytic agent.
- The seeds are used as a very common pulse much relished among daily food habits.
- Leaves are also medicinally useful specially they are anthelmintic.
Parts used of Adhaki
Seeds pulse, leaves.
Edible, dietetic item.
ADHAKI (आढकी) Sanskrit Sloka
1. आढकी तुवरी चापि सा प्रोक्ता शणपुष्पिका।
2. आढकी तुवरा रूक्षा मधुरा शीतला लघुः । ग्राहिणी वातजननी वा पित्तकफास्त्रजित् ॥
Bhāvaprakāśa Nighanțu, Dhānya varga, 51-52.
1. आढ़की तुवरी वर्या करवीरभुजा तथा वृत्तबीजा पीतपुष्पा श्वेता रक्ताऽसिता त्रिधा ॥
2. आढ़की तु कषाया च मधुरा कफपित्तजित्। ईषद्वातकरा रुच्या विदला गुरुग्राहिका॥
3. सा च श्वेता दोषदात्री तु रक्ता रुच्या पित्ततापादिहन्त्री। सा श्यामा चेद्दीपनी पित्तदाहध्वंसा बल्यश्चाढकीयूषमुक्तम्॥
Rāja Nighantu, śālyādi vrga, 100-102.
1. आढकी तुवरी कालवृन्ता कुलत्थका ॥ कुलत्थाश्यक्रका ज्ञेयास्ताम्रवर्णाश्चलापहाः । 2. तुवरी तुवरा रूक्षा मधुरा शीतला लघुः । ग्राहिणी वातला वा कफपित्तविषापहाः ।
1. त्रिदोषशमनं पथ्यं कृमिघ्नं चाढकीदलम् ।। Kaiyadeva Nighantu, 73-75. Osadhi varga.