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Home » APAMARGA KSHARA Use, Benefits, Methos of Preparation and Dose

APAMARGA KSHARA Use, Benefits, Methos of Preparation and Dose

Apamarga Kshara is made from the alkaline ash of Ayurvedic herbs. Apamarga Kshara is useful in Piles, Fistula, sinusitis, and other Diseases. It has a high concentration of healing, incision, excision, purification, and hemostatic properties.

Kshara is the drug’s water-soluble ash, which comes in the form of powders or solutions and is naturally alkaline. Its ability to cause ksharan, or tissue destruction, of mamsa and other dhatus is the reason it is known as kshara. Kshara was individually and in-depth discussed by Acharya Sushruta. According to his definition, Kshara possesses traits such as chedan (excision), bhedan and lekhan (scrapping), and tridoshahar (equilibrium vata, pitta, and kapha). He also takes into account the Shalya Tantra’s Kshara’s range.He has mentioned several drugs for the preparation of kshara, one of which is Apamarga, from which Apamrga Kshara is made. He also said that Kshara is made from 22 different plants, including Apamarga (Achyranthus aspera), Snuhi (Euphorbia nerifolia), Amaltas (Cassia fistula), Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysentrica), and Vasa (Adhatoda vasica).

Method Of Apamarga Kshara Preparation


The plant’s panchanga is utilized.
The drug authentication process has been completed and approved.
Raw drugs that have been thoroughly cleaned.

Drying of drug:-

The dried drug apamarga is taken and chopped into small pieces before being dried in the sun for 5 days (40 hours). To ensure that the drug has completely dried, break the plant part (stem/root). When a plant part breaks and makes a ‘katkat’ sound without bending, it means the plant has dried completely.

Burning of Apamarga Panchanga:-

Dried apamarga panchanga is collected and ignited beneath the heap in a windless location.
The time required for burning is 2 hours, and the time required for self cooling is 5 hours.


Apamarga panchang taken – 100mg

Place dry drug panchang in a large iron pan and burn until white ash is obtained. Then, allow it to cool naturally (swangasheeta). Water (4,6, or 8) is mixed with 1 part ash and macerate. well, and the mixture was left undisturbed overnight for a specified period of time (3, 12 and 72 hours). The next morning, the supernatant was filtered and the dark-colored sediment was discarded. The supernatant was then filtered two or three times until a clear liquid known as Ksharodaka (alkaline liquid) was obtained. It should be Gomutra vrana (cow urine colour). The liquid is then placed in an earthen or iron vessel and heated over a moderate fire with alternating stirring for 3 hours until it turns a reddish-yellow color, which is known as Mridu kshara.

Shukti, which weighed about 1/10th of a piece of Apamarga Kshara, was obtained and scorched in an iron dish. When it became extremely hot, pottali was prepared and dunked in Mridu kshara. When warmed on madhyam agni and continuously blended until it achieves a thick consistency, it turns white. This is referred to as Madhyama Kshara.

Chitrakmula was collected and weighed approximately one-tenth of a piece of Shukti. The chitrakmula was finely stuck at that point. The Madhyama Kshara was then removed from the fire and allowed to cool for 5-10 minutes. The chitrakmula glue was then added and blended for uniform dispersion. Tikshna Apamarga Kshara is the kshara obtained in this manner. After drying, Shweta Vrana Kshara (white shading soluble base) is obtained.


Properties of Apamarga kshara

  • Rasa (Taste): Katu (pungent) & Tikta (bitter )
  • Guna (Properties): Laghu (lightness), Tiksna(sharpness), Sara (moving)
  • Virya (Potency): Ushna (hot)
  • Vipak (Tatse after Digestion): Katu (pungent )
  • Doshakarma (Action): Pacifys Kapha & Vata Dosha


In classical texts, it is mentioned that the disorders which are difficult to treat or cure can be cured by Kshara therapy. Vrana Shodhana (Purification of wounds) and Vrana Ropana ( Healing of wounds) are special properties of “Kshara”.

For example:- Apamarga Kshara was used in “Dushta Vrana” treatment in which a patient having Utsanna Mamsa (Raised granulation tissue), Kathina (Hard), Kanduyukta (Itching), chirotthana (Chronic) propertis \sand applied the apamarga kshara over injury for 100 matra kala or till Samyak Dagdha Lakshana (dark \sshading) are watched and washed the wound with nimbu swarasa.


  • Kustha (skin disorders)
  • Arsha (piles)
  • Visha (poison)
  • Dushtavarna (non-healing ulcers)
  • Dadru (fungal infection)
  • Nadivrana (sinus)
  • Mukharoga (mouth disorders)
  • Arbuda (tumor)
  • Bhagandar (fistula)
  • Krimiroga (worms infestation)
  • Gara visha (artificial poison)
  • Arochak (tastelessness)
  • Udararoga (GIT disorders)
  • Anaha (constipation)
  • Agnimandya (loss of appetite)
  • Ashmari (renal calculi)
  • Ajirna (indigestion)


  • Raktapitta (bleeding disorders)
  • Timira (eye disease)
  • Ruksha (dryness)
  • Moorchha (unconscious)
  • Turmoil ascend at the site of marma (indispensable focuses), sira (head), snayu (tendons), sandhi (joints), tarunasthi (ligament bones), dhamani (courses).


125mg – 1gm


Herbal ashes contain sodium, potassium, carbon, calcium oxide, magnesium, and silica. Apamarga Kshara is made by dissolving this ash in water, filtering it, and drying it using the evaporation method. During filteration, insoluble substances such as silica are separated from the solution while soluble substances such as potassium and sodium remain. When so many substances come into contact with each other, some of them decompose and new substances form, resulting in Kshara having more hydroides and Ksharan shakti. The proportion of hydroides in the Ksharas can be increased by adding calcium-rich lime stone and conch shell. These reactions are set up in the Kshara, resulting in the conversion of some of them into carbonates.



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