One of the most authentic texts on the science of life is Ashtanga Sangraha. hence it has been grouped under “Bruhat Trayee” along with Charaka Samhita and Susruta Samhita.
Who wrote Astanga Sangraha?
Acharya Vriddh Vagbhata was the author of the text, Ashtanga Sangraha.
The title denotes that the work is a compilation of the eight branches of Ayurveda.
such as Kaya, Bala, Graha, Urdhwanga, Salya, Damshtra, Jara, and Vrisha.
The other two texts mentioned in the greater trio, i.e. Charaka Samhita and Susruta Samhita, are called Akara Grand. That means they are self-authentic, whereas Ashtanga Sangraha is Prakarana Grandha, which means that it was written by quoting the references from the other texts.
Acharya Charaka prioritized General Medicine over the other eight areas of Ayurveda, whereas Susruta explored surgical concerns in detail in his work, Susruta Samhita. Keeping this in mind, Acharya Vagbhata recognized the significance of all eight branches in his Ashtanga Sangraha treatise.
When was Ashtanga Sangraha written?
This book, written in the second half of the 7th century AD
How many Sthana are in Ashtanga Sangraha?
The text, Ashtanga Sangraha consists of 6 Divisions and 150 Chapters as under.
1. Sutra Sthana 40 chapters
2. Sareera Sthana 12 chapters
3. Nidana Sthana 16 chapters
4. Chikitsa Sthana 24 chapters
5. Kalpa Sthana 8 chapters
6. Uttara Tantra 50 chapters
Reasons for writing the Ashtanga Sangraha?
Due to the short span of life in the present era, it is not possible for human beings to study various texts on Ayurvedic literature in detail.
So, Vagbhata felt the dire necessity of the summarizing textbook, which caters to the needs of medical practitioners.
This can be the reason that made Vagbhata to compile a textbook comprising of the subject of all the eight branches of Ayurveda collected from Charaka Samhita, Susruta Samhita, and other available literature, namely Ashtanga Sangraha.
Specialty of the Ashtanga Sangraha
The subject matter presented in the text by Vagbhata is devoid of irrelevant, elaborate, objectionable statements and repetitions.
It has been composed by Vagbhata based on the Triskandha viz.
- Hetu Skandha Causative factors
- Linga Skandha Signs & symptoms
- Oushadha Skandha Therapeutics.
It is devoid of self-contradictory statements.
Ashtanga Sangraha was composed by Acharya Vagbhata without adding or deleting anything to the ancient treatises of Ayurveda.
But the only change made was altering the arrangement of the subject matter according to his own style.
Sutra Sthana: Basic principles of Ayurveda, preventive measures, dietetics, classification of diseases and methods of treatments, etc.
Sareera Sthana: Embryology, anatomy, physiology.
Nidana Sthana: Etiology, Pathology, Signs & Symptoms, Prognosis, etc.
Chikitsa Sthana; line of treatment, medicines, diet care of the patient, etc.
Kalpa Sthana: Formulations and methods pertaining to elimination therapy. Principles of pharmacy, weights and measures etc.
Uttara Tantra: The last section has 50 chapters allotted to the remaining seven branches as follows.
- Bala Roga – 5 chapters
- Graha – 5 chapters
- Urdhwanga Chikitsa
Netra Roga 10 chapters
Karna Roga 2 chapters
Nasa Roga 2 chapters
Mukha Roga: 2 chapters
Siro Roga: 2 chapters
- Salya Chikitsa – 11 chapters
- Damshtra Chikitsa – 9 chapters
- Jara Chikitsha – 1 Chapter
- Vrushya chikitsha – 1 Chapter