Home » History of Ayurveda History of Ayurveda
The origin of Ayurveda was attributed to Brahma, the creator of the universe by the authors of classical Samhitas. Prof. Dwarakanath commenting on the origin and development of medicine in ancient India quotes “Agnivesa Samhita refers to a period, in the history of India, when people lead a pastoral life and lived a natural life free from disease.
As civic life and urban culture developed, the society is seen to have been subjected to many changes and numerous diseases, not known in the earlier ages. The earlier Vedic medicine was not equal to the challenge. The wise men of the time (the Rishis) are stated to have imported into the Indo-Gangetic plains a rational and metrical medicine- the Ayurveda- from a more advanced culture.
Subsequent development of medicine in the Indo-Gangetic plains kept pace with the increasing urbanization and this lasted till the Sunga – Kushan period. A time bracket for the origin and development of medicine includes the 5* millennium BC (before the cultural phase of the Harappa civilization ranging from 2300 BC to 1750 BC) to 4″ period of Hastinapura (from 2nd century BC to 3d century AD).
The period from 3d century AD can be named the post Ayurvedic period, after which no further or significant advances are seen to have taken place in the field of Indian medicine, on the other hand, the arrest of progress and the gradual decline of Indian medicine marked this period.
From the point of view of literary evidence and astronomical grounds, a date of 3000 BC approximately would represent the lower limit and the 3d century AD the upper limit of the time bracket for the evolution of rational medicine in ancient India. The period anterior to the lower limit, extending possibly beyond the 5* millennium BC may be considered to represent the period of Adikala or Pre-Ayurvedic culture.”
Most historians have attempted to document the history of Ayurveda on the basis of various periods namely the Vedic period, Samhita period, Nighantu period, Moghul period, British period, and Modern period.
Acharya P.V. Sharma described the development of Ayurveda under 3 major components
1. Prachina Kala -Ancient period (up to 7* AD i.e. post-Gupta period)
2. Madhyama Kala – Medieval period (8* to 15* century AD)
3. Adhunika Kala – Modern period (16″ century onwards)
Atridev Vidyalankar described the history of Ayurveda as under.
1. Vaidika Kala – Pre-historic period (2500 BC)
2. Ramayana & Mahabharata Kala (500 BC) ( viii )
3. Bouddha Kala (363 BC)
4. Kushan Kala (210BC to 176 AD)
5. Gupta Kala (380 AD)
6. Madhya Kala (647 – 1200 AD)
7. Mogul Kala (12 to 18 century AD)
8. Adhunika Kala (after 18* century)
Dr. Achanta Lakshmipati quoted it as 1. Puratana Yuga – from time immemorial to 50,000 BC
2. Arya Yuga – from 50,000 BC to 1000 BC
3. Bouddha Yuga – from 1000 BC to 300 AD
4. Pauranika Yuga – from 300 AD to 1000 AD
5. Bhakti Yuga – from 1000 AD to 1857 AD
6. Adhunika Yuga – from 1858 up to the present time
The statement of Winston Churchill, while addressing the Royal College of Physicians in March 1944, “The longer you can look back, the further you can look forward” reemphasizes the necessity of studying the History of any subject for developing it further.
It is a known fact that various committees appointed by the Government during pre and post-independent India identified the importance of the study of the History of Ayurveda and various courses drafted for the Diploma as well as the Degree of students studying Ayurveda, incorporated History of Ayurveda as one of the subjects.