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Ginger Benefits, Research, Home Remedies, Side Effects

Although the actions of fresh and dry ginger are relatively comparable, according to Ayurveda, fresh ginger is favoured throughout the summer. Ginger helps with nausea, asthma, and other health conditions.

In practically every Indian family, ginger is utilised as a spice, flavouring, and herbal cure. It is abundant in nutrients and several bioactive substances that have powerful therapeutic advantages. The following characteristics of ginger are listed in the Ayurveda textbook:

आर्दकं नागरगुणं भेदनं दीपनं गुरु॥ 
कटूष्णं दीपनं वृष्यं रुच्यमार्दकनागरम्। 
श्वासकासवमीहिक्कवातश्लेष्मविबन्धनुत् ।। 
पाचनं रोचनं वृष्यं कटूष्णं वह्निदीपनम् । 
वातप्रकोपशमनं पाचनं शोथहृत्परम् ॥ 
भोजनादौ सदा पथ्यं जिह्वाकण्ठविशोधनम्। 
अव्यक्तरसवीर्यत्वात्तत्परं तु कफापहम् ॥ 
काञ्जिकार्द्र सलवणं दीपनं पाचनं परम् । 
वातप्रकोपशमनं हर्षणं लवणार्द्रकम् ॥- भावप्रकाश 

A healthy digestive system is supported by the purgative, appetiser, and heavy effects of ginger. Due to its ability to balance Vata and Kapha, ginger also aids in reducing the symptoms of cough, cold, and body aches. Before eating, consuming ginger can help activate the tongue’s taste buds and ease sore throat symptoms. Ginger aids in improving metabolism by enhancing meal absorption, which enhances digestion. A healthy digestive system can help with weight control. As a result, regular consumption of ginger water may aid in weight loss. Due to its antioxidant properties, ginger also aids in the management of cardiovascular disorders by preventing cell damage brought on by free radicals. Additionally, ginger boosts testosterone levels, which is the male sex hormone, and also increases sexual desire because it has aphrodisiac properties. Ginger’s antispasmodic and analgesic effects have been reported to help women manage menstruation pain.

Before a flight, drinking a cup of ginger tea can even help to prevent motion sickness symptoms like nausea and vomiting. Ginger has positive effects when applied topically as well. Ginger can be applied topically to control some skin problems and eliminate extra oil from the skin. Ginger juice used topically may help prevent acne from developing.

In addition to encouraging hair development, ginger is effective at reducing hair loss.
Regularly consuming too much ginger tea might cause bloating and hyperacidity in certain people.

Names of Ginger in Various languages

What is the botanical name of ginger?

Botanical name– Zingiber officinale

Ginger meaning in Hindi :अदरक
Ginger meaning in Marathi :आले
Ginger meaning in Kannada :ಶುಂಠಿ
Ginger meaning in Tamil :இஞ்சி
Ginger meaning in Telugu :అల్లం
Ginger meaning in Malayalam :ഇഞ്ചി
Ginger meaning in Urdu :ادرک
Ginger meaning in Gujarati :આદુ
Ginger meaning in Punjabi :ਅਦਰਕ
Ginger meaning in Bengali :আদা
Ginger meaning in Spanish :jengibre
Ginger meaning in English :ginger

Sanskrit Synonyms of dry ginger:

Nagara, Mahaushadha, Vishva, Vishva Bheshaja, Shunti, Mahaushadha, Vishvaushadha, Shrungavera, Rahuchatra

Nagara – It is grow in Nagar Pradesh so it is called as Nagar.
Shunti – It is use to treat Kaph-vataj Vyadhi.
Due it pungent tase it is Called Katugranthi, Katubhadra.
Ardhraka – It produce more salavation in mouth.
Visha – Its absorption is as quick as visha (Poison).
shrungavera It contains irritating prop
avaakchthr – leaves will be bend and resemble like chathri.
katuviddi – Due to it katu ras Property.
katugranthi – It has internodes and nodes.

Classical Categorization of Ginger

Sushruta- Pippalyadi, Trikatu

Vaghbata- Pippaladi

Charaka- Truptighna – A group of plants that can help with pseudo-satiation.
Arshoghna – A group of herbs used to cure piles.
Deepaneeya – A group of plants that help with digestion.
Shoola Prashamana – A group of plants used to treat stomach pain.
Trishna Nigrahana – A group of herbs used to alleviate thirst.

Ashtanga Sangraha – Arshoghna – A class of herbs used to cure piles.
Deepaneeya – A group of herbs used to improve digesting strength.
Bhavaprakasha – Shadushana, Panchakola
Dhanvantari Nighantu – Shoolaprashamana, pippalyadi
Ardrakadi Varga – Nighantu Adarsha.
Kaiyadeva nigantu – Oshadi varga – collection of medicinal herbs
Mahoushadhi nigantu, Madanapala nigantu-Shuntyadi varga
Shaligrama Nigantu – Hareethakyadi Varga

Classification and varieties Adrak

  1. Shunti
  2. Ardraka  (According to Raja nighantu, Kaiyadeva nighantu, Priyanighantu, Bhavaprakasha,nighantu, Madanaphala nighantu etc.)
  1. Red sand coated Ginger
  2. Peeled Ginger
  3. Limed Ginger
  1. Cochin Ginger
  2. Jamica Ginger
  3. Indian Ginger
  4. African Ginger
  5. Ratoon Ginger

Systemic classification Adrak

Series2 – Epigynae (Overy inferior)
Natural orderZingiberaceae
Species  Officinale

What are the Ayurvedic properties of Ginger?

Ginger medicinal properties:

Rasa (Taste)Katu (Pungent)
Guna (Physical Property)Guru, Rooksha, Teekshna (Heavy, Dry, Sharp)
Virya (Potency)Ushna (Hot)
Vipaka (Metabolic Property – After Digestion)Madhura (Sweet)

Ayurvedic Properties of Ginger as per Bhojana Kutuhalam

The eleventh chapter of Bhojana Kutuhalam states that fresh, wet ginger is ruchya (adds flavour), Treats vitiates pitta and rakta, and aggravates vata. When wet ginger is combined with guda (jaggery), it becomes stronger, reduces vata and kapha, and increases the digestive fire. It softens stools, strengthens the heart, has a high heat potency, feeds the dhatus, and treats voice loss.

The taste and potency of wet ginger are pungent, spicy, impart flavour, and have aphrodisiac properties. After metabolism, the ginger becomes cold and light. increases the digestive fire and aids in digesting. It also encourages the production of urine and is nutritious in nature. Tandra, colicky discomfort, haemorrhoids, gulma, abdominal bloating, liver illnesses, dhatus depletion, and chronic colds are all conditions are cures by Ginger.

Additionally, it aids in the treatment of cardiac conditions, vitiated vata, dyspnea, fever, vomiting, and cough. An earache is promptly relieved by injecting fresh ginger juice that has been prepared from wet ginger.

Type of Adrak

A ayurvedic textbook amarkoosha explain 2 type of Ginger

  1. Dry Ginger : A fresh rhizome of Ginger in called Adrak or Shringavera in Ayurveda.
  2. Fresh Gignger : Fine powder of dry gignger is called Nagara, Shunthi, Vishwabheshaja in Ayurveda.

Difference between fresh ginger and dry ginger (ginger powder):

Ardraka – Wet Ginger – Rooksha (Dry) + Ushna (Hot)
Shunti – Dry Ginger – Snigdha (unctuous, oily) + Ushna (hot)
Wet ginger is dry (Rooksha), where as dry ginger is oily or unctuous.

Wet ginger – Bhedini – can produce diarrhoea but is more effective in relieving constipation.
Dry ginger – Grahi – absorbent -absorbent, bowel binding, beneficial in IBS. It also reduces constipation, but not as effectively as the moist one.

Wet ginger is typically used for a limited time. This is due to its dryness (lack of oiliness).
Dry ginger is Snigdha – unctuous, greasy, so acceptable with time. As a result, it can be used for a long time.

Wet ginger has a greater effect on the stomach and intestines.
Dry ginger has an effect on both the stomach and the intestines (Jatharagni) as well as at the tissue level (Dhatvagni).

Distribution of Ginger

Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) cultivated in the Indo-Malayan region and is now extensively distributed throughout Asia, Africa, America, and Australia’s tropical. It was farmed in India and China, which are thought to be the species’ origins.

Morphology of Adrak

  • It is a perennial herbaceous plant that can reach a height of 1 metre.
  • The leaves are long and elongate in character and grow alternately.
  • It produces clusters of white and pink flower buds that, when they are fully developed, turn into yellow flowers.
  • A cone-shaped spike of flowers with overlapping green bracts surrounds it.
  • Ginger is a monocotyledon plant.
  • The altered underground stem develops into a rhizome, which is frequently used as a spice.
  • The rhizome bears leafy shoots and is palmately branched. The leafy shoots, which bear 8–12 distichous leaves, are pseudostems made from the leafy sheaths.
  • The rhizome gives rise to the inflorescence right away.

Chemical constituents of Adrak

Ginger chemical Constituents

B- D- CurcumeneD- CampheneA-&b- ZingiberenesGingerone A, B& C
B- BourborneneCitronellolZingiberolGingerdiol
CitralGeraniolZingeroneginner glycolipids

Fresh ginger (Adrak) benefits

Fresh ginger benefits: Ardraka – Vishva Bheshaja:

Typically, all spices with a pungent flavour enhance vata dosha and are not aphrodisiacs. with the exception of Ardraka, a ginger rhizome, and Pippali, a long pepper fruit.

Fresh ginger, or green ginger
Rochaka : it increase appetiser, 
Deepana : strengthens the digestive system.
it is a Vrushya (Aphrodisiac)
Its juice is beneficial for Vata and Kapha 
It is usefull in Constipation (vibandha).

cough medicine

Documentation: Astanga Hrudayam, Kasa Chikitsita Adhyaya, 3/118–119.
48 ml of fresh ginger juice is regularly consumed with milk in conditions like persistent cough, chest injury, chronic bronchitis, and tuberculosis, among others. Every day, the dose is increased by 6 ml. This goes on for a month. The patient should only have milk during this time and avoid from eating solid food.

The best way to increase nutrition, longevity, strength, skin health, and immunity is with this recipe.

Shloka reference:

पिबेन्नागबलामूलस्यार्धकर्षाभिवर्धितम् ॥ ११८ ॥
पलं क्षीरयुतं मासं क्षीरवृत्तिरनन्नभुक् ।
एष प्रयोगः पुष्ट्यायुर्बलवर्णकरः परम् ॥ ११९ ॥
मण्डूकपर्ण्याः कल्पोऽयं यष्ट्या विश्वौषधस्य च ।
pibennāgabalāmūlasyārdhakarṣābhivardhitam || 118 ||
palaṃ kṣīrayutaṃ māsaṃ kṣīravṛttiranannabhuk |
eṣa prayogaḥ puṣṭyāyurbalavarṇakaraḥ param || 119 ||
maṇḍūkaparṇyāḥ kalpo’yaṃ yaṣṭyā viśvauṣadhasya ca |

Dry Ginger benefits

Dry ginger is increase the digestion, unctuous, aphrodisiac in effect, hot in potency, balances kapha and vat dosha, sweet (Madhur) in Vipaka, cardiactonic and palatable.

  • Madhur vipak: it decrse kapha and pitta.
  • Aphrodisiac Vrushya increases vigour
  • Rochana: enhances taste and alleviates anorexia
  • Hrudya – strengthens the heart and acts as a cardiac tonic
  • Sasneha – has some ooziness and unctuousness
  • Vibandhanut – Vibandhanut has piercing properties that break up stools into small pieces, relieving constipation.
  • Panduhara : it is effective for treating anaemia and early stages of liver disorders.
  • Deepana: strengthens the digestive system
  • Shophahara: reduces inflammation, edoema, and swelling
  • Shleepada: effective against elephantiasis
  • Shwasahara: it is effective in treating chronic respiratory diseases like asthma.
  • Grahi (absorbent) : Because it is hot in nature, it aids in the absorption of excess moisture, particularly in the intestines.
  • Vatodara – Beneficial for ascites caused by Vata Dosha imbalance, as well as bloating.
  • Amavataghni: it is effective for treating rheumatoid arthritis.

Weight loss, motion sickness, menstrual pain, arthritis pain, and dizziness can all be effectively treated with ginger.

Herbs that are Grahi (absorbent) are usually ineffective in treating constipation. Ginger, on the other hand, is an exception. According to Bhavaprakasha, ginger is an absorbent and a mild laxative. It aids in the breakdown of the stool mass but not in its expulsion (na tu mala patane)

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